Trading on will be closed! 30 days to withdraw (No Gas fees) + Mainnet Updates!

Poltergeist Labs
1 min readJul 24, 2021


Hey everyone! We are going to be closing trading on Poltergeist exchange in the next few hours, and will be sunsetting this version of the exchange in 30 days. Please cancel any open orders, and withdraw any funds you have on Poltergeist Exchange.

We will be removing all withdraw fees in the next few hours too, and we will cover gas on our end, so you may want to wait until we do that to initiate your withdraw 🙂

The plan was always to close this version of exchange soon after our main net, but we have decided to do it a bit sooner due to the increasing dev resources it is requiring. We would rather keep the focus on our overall goal of delivering the GHOUL main net alpha version this August!

GHOSTDAI is coming too, and is even live on test net 🙂

All users who currently hold GHOUL on Poltergeist exchange will receive $50 GHOST DAI automatically when GHOST DAI is launched. You do not need to do anything but withdraw your GHOUL to a wallet you control to receive the GHOST DAI.

If you have any questions regarding this, or anything else, we have an ASK US ANYTHING coming up next week on July 30th!

We also want to say thanks to the community for all of the support! We have made a tremendous amount of progress in the past couple months and can’t wait to share everything with you!



Poltergeist Labs

Next-generation cryptocurrency exchange focused on privacy